France - 2005 |
China 2014 |
Authentic materials are all the things or objects that we can show in the classroom used like unique materials. I really like to use them in class. In the first part, the teacher with the children uses the dolls which wear uniforms, as a help to teach vocabulary and the clothing is the REALIA as the unique method, students enjoy the dolls, she inquires using questions and answers about the different boys and girls. Even if she makes in different ways after many repetitions, students' speech slowly emerged. I use this in my class with adult learners, too. In the next example, students can bring their own REALIA to class, using different objects students can describe their material in a short time with basic words. It is also a good way to let them speak about their likes or dislikes. It’s good for student’s confidence; teachers can also gradually collect different REALIA Material to use in class.
Ecuador -2008 |
As a second part, we can analyze how to work with a Project-Based Learning provided and created with Authentic Materials like text, brochure, album, picture, newspaper or books similar to the Tourism Students. I think it is the only way to motivate them to use REALIA MATERIAL with their own reality and creativity. I usually use and adapt to this kind of material and activity in my class because many students get involved and helped each other in making it. Finally, the results are really amazing the way they show their creativity, the projects stay in their own school, library collection or help to other students showing this material in the wall like vocabulary posters or calendars or putting them in a corner from different subjects like support for teacher and students.
Viewing points or Images are also Authentic Realia Material however there are different kinds of images, for example, photographs, maps, charts, drawings, posters, bulletin boards, comics, etc. The Best idea in order to plan a journey and make a world map cut pictures out of magazines make a plan where to go and what to do. Also biographies, or bulletin work, school holiday, Put all these and other ideas in the wall with their own creativity sounds pretty nice.
China April 01st-2014 |
Multimedia Material in the way how we choose, use and construct authentic material in any activity let us to develop integrated skills; high-interest content, range of learning modalities and the use of technologies, whether they are low-tech or high-tech, can offer more interactivity than texts, give students the chance to use a variety of different skills, and enrich the curriculum with interesting content. All of this sounds good to me, however, for a simple reason in a simple homework, I don’t like the way they use PPT’s (PowerPoint Presentations) because I think it is much better if they can use their own creativity without any kind of technology most of the time, in the end, the result is much rewarding for them.
Expo Frances - UCE 2013 |
Nevertheless, there are some guidelines to consider for choosing Authentic Multimedia Material for example the Interest to age, point of the lesson, usable language style, available locally, good quality picture and sound. The results they’re always the best to guide the teaching purpose. All of these examples show how to use REALIA MATERIAL accurately in the target language and culture in the teaching/learning process.
So do we have the creativity to do use it day by in-class outside from the text book?
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
Wilson P. Chiluiza Vásquez